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Operation Encompass

Are you a police force wanting to be part of Operation Encompass to share additional child vulnerabilities with schools, or a Key Adult wanting to update your details?

Privacy & Cookies Policy

Privacy & Cookies Policy


Cookies are small files which are stored on a user's computer. They are designed to hold a modest amount of data specific to a particular client and website, and can be accessed either by the web server or the client computer. This allows the server to deliver a page tailored to a particular user, or the page itself can contain some script which is aware of the data in the cookie and so is able to carry information from one visit to the website (or related site) to the next. The next time you visit the website using that device the details of your previous visit are remembered. Cookies help us maintain the performance of the website and allow us to remember your preferences and make improvements based on visitor statistics.

Types of Cookie we use

The categories of cookies we use on the website and the function they perform is listed below.

Necessary Cookies

  • These cookies are essential for the website to function properly and cannot be disabled without severely affecting the usability of the website. The law does not require us to ask consent to use these cookies and they will always be placed when you use this website.
  • Where possible, we delete these cookies when you leave the website.

Functional Cookies

  • These cookies remember various choices you make on the website to improve your experience. They are also used to display recommendations for you based on your past activity on the site
  • Any data that these cookies collect is anonymised before being used for any other purpose– we don’t keep records of your data or track you personally, or monitor how you browse on other websites.
  • This information is not made available to other websites.

Analytics Cookies

  • Analytics cookies are used to gather anonymous data on how visitors use the website. They look at what pages are the most popular, how long visitors stay on them, if and where a user gets an error message and other similar data which we use to improve how the website works and make information easier to find. This data is anonymous and we cannot track you individually using analytics cookies.

Managing Cookies

Most web browsers allow you to manage which cookies you accept via their settings – you can normally use the ‘Help’ functionality on your browser to find out how it handles cookies, or visit the site you downloaded it from for more information.

General Information about cookies

You can find more information about cookies at
The IAB provides information about Internet Advertising and your privacy at

Managing Analytics Cookies

Google analytics provide a browser plugin to prevent their analytics cookies being placed or you can use your browser settings to disallow analytics cookies.



Teachers' Helpline

For FREE advice from an Educational or Clinical Psychologist about how best to support children experiencing domestic abuse, call the Operation Encompass Professionals’ National Advice and Guidance line on 0204 513 9990.

Monday to Friday, 8am-1pm
