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Operation Encompass

Are you a police force wanting to be part of Operation Encompass to share additional child vulnerabilities with schools, or a Key Adult wanting to update your details?

Police forces

Police forces

Contact us for more information

Download the police self-evaluation tool

Download the OE APVA document

Download Police Cross Border Notifications

Watch the Police Training video

View the guide to implementing Operation Encompass

Download the OE Early Years Information Sharing document

Download the OE Information Sharing Platform document

Police duties and responsibilities

  • The Chief Constable and Police and Crime Commissioner commit to Operation Encompass forming part of the day-to-day safeguarding activity of the force, forming a key aspect of their response to children being recognised as victims of domestic abuse in their own right. (See Operation Encompass Children’s Victim Support Code and accompanying handbook.)
  • Operation Encompass forms part of the Role Profile of a member of the Senior Management Team who accepts the strategic responsibility and overview of Operation Encompass. 
  • An Operation Encompass force policy should be in place. For information about the policy contact
  • The force ensures that the Operation Encompass notifications are only shared with the appropriately trained Key Adults within the educational/early years setting. (Safeguarding Lead and their Deputy). The required training is provided through the free National Online Operation Encompass Key Adult Training, accessed through this website. 
  • The Operation Encompass notification must include:
  • The sharing of the context is crucial so that staff do nothing that places the adult or child victims at greater risk or inadvertently re-traumatise through actions or words.
  • All frontline officers within the force are fully trained in Operation Encompass - its purpose, when to apply it and how to apply it correctly.

For further information and support please contact 

A proven partnership

The partnership between Operation Encompass and Devon and Cornwall Police has proven to be an essential element for the safeguarding of children and young people experiencing domestic abuse.

Children exposed to domestic abuse are amongst the most vulnerable in our society, often harmed physically, emotionally, and psychologically.

Having been exposed to domestic violence, a child goes to school the next day often requiring urgent emotional help and assurance but unable to express what they have witnessed and the support they need.

Operation Encompass is vital to ensuring the true partnership required to safeguard these children, ensuring that police and schools deliver the necessary support at the right time. This is in the hours immediately after exposure to the incident and that information must be available in schools at the right time in order to help children and young people overcome the traumatic events they have been exposed to.

If there is a true intention to help children exposed to domestic abuse then Operation Encompass is a proven approach to ensure the protection of our children.

Chief Constable, Devon and Cornwall Police



Teachers' Helpline

For FREE advice from an Educational or Clinical Psychologist about how best to support them, call the Operation Encompass Professionals’ National Advice and Guidance line on 0204 513 9990.

Monday to Friday, 8am-1pm
