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Operation Encompass

Are you a police force wanting to be part of Operation Encompass to share additional child vulnerabilities with schools, or a Key Adult wanting to update your details?



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Operation Encompass launches new website!

Posted on: 27 November 2019

The new Operation Encompass website has now launched, with full management tools available for police forces and Key Adults to assist with the reporting of incidents of domestic abuse between the police force and school prior to the start of the following school day.

Using the website, police forces are able to view a full list of contactable Key Adults for the schools in their police district. To find out more or to sign your force up, visit our Police Participation and Website Guide pages.

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Teachers' Helpline

For FREE advice from an Educational or Clinical Psychologist about how best to support children experiencing domestic abuse, call the Operation Encompass Professionals’ National Advice and Guidance line on 0204 513 9990.

Monday to Friday, 8am-1pm
